Child Care is SOLD OUT for the rest of the 2024/25 Season. The Cubbie Program Lessons (Ages 3-4) are open! Learn more here.
Finding a sitter for little ones who aren't ready to hit the slopes isn't always easy on vacation. Sierra-at-Tahoe alleviates this problem by offering Sierra-at-Tahoe Child Care Center (aka Wild Mountain Day Care). Sierra has proudly been providing quality care for our guests children since 1994, here in our licensed facility (CA License #093600514) located right at the base of the mountain.
Child Care is proud to offer 2 different experiences to choose from to keep your young child safely entertained during your visit here at Sierra-at-Tahoe!
Professional child care is available for children aged 18-months to 35 months (just prior to turning 3). Don't worry about your child being potty-trained, at the Sierra-at-Tahoe Child Care Center they don't need to be.
Our Child Care Only Program (does not include ski lessons) will be available 8:30am - 3:30pm.
Our Cubbie Program is for 3-4 year-old children who are ready for an introduction to skiing through our snow experience program. If interested, please see our Cubbie Program Lessons HERE.
While at the Child Care, children will participate in a variety of fun and stimulating preschool activities. Children will stay busy exploring art projects and construction toys, plus music, dance, and story activities. Young children will love our outside activities too, including adventure walks, snow paint, lots of toys and tons of fun snow experience. After lunch, the children will be given the opportunity to rest or take a nap if needed during our quiet time.
Lunch & Snacks
Parents don’t need to worry about meals either. At the Childcare Center, all of the children will be provided yummy and healthy; kid-favorite lunches and morning and afternoon snacks.
Daily itinerary + Helpful Information
For: “Toddler” Child Care Children Ages 18-35 months.
See Cubbies Itinerary for Child Care “Pre-K” Children Ages 3+4 Years.
8:30am Child Care Opens (closed Tuesdays + Wednesdays except Peak Days)
Reservations are required.
On Weekends and Holidays, Child Care opens at 8:00am. Parents with reservations can check-in at the Wild Mountain Registration Desk.
Save time by printing and completing the 5 required registration forms below. Bring the packets with you in hand to check your child in. Don't forget to bring them with you.
- Registration Form
- Liability Release Form
- Child Admission Form
- Notification of Parent's Rights
- Child Personal Rights
If you would like to register your child for Child Care please call the call 530.659.7453 x108 to make reservations. Child Care will be closed every Tuesday + Wednesday except for peak days. Please call ahead of time to confirm availability during those periods.
9:15am Registration Closes
8:30 – 9:45am Free-Choice Play
Children participate in a variety of fun and engaging activities. Children will have the opportunity to explore art materials, building blocks, dramatic play, sensory play, music and literacy activities, and small manipulative toys.
10:00am Snack Time
Healthy snacks served include gluten free cereal, fresh fruit, applesauce, graham crackers and milk or 100% apple or grape juice.
10:30 – 11:00am Planned Child Care Activity
Child Care children participate in a teacher planned activity. These include art projects, sensory, fun with food, music and movement and much more.
11:15 – 12:15pm Outside Play Time for Child Care Kids (Depending on weather and children’s temperament) break for water + light snack
Children participate in a variety of snow experiences. Children may take an adventure snow walk, ride a sled, or take a ride on the Magic Carpet. Children can also play with our fun snow toys, including buckets, shovels, trucks, animals, paint, and parachute fun.
12:15pm Children Return Inside
12:20pm Child Care Lunch Time
Yummy lunches provided by Mamas Kitchen, including kid favorites such as Spaghetti with Meatballs, Lasagna, Macaroni and Cheese and Chicken Tenders. All lunches are served with fresh or canned fruit and milk. If your child has a dietary restriction or allergy you can pack their lunch however, we are a nut free facility.
12:45pm – 2:00pm Rest and Relaxation Time
After a busy morning, young children will relax during story time and have a comfortable place to take a nap. Don’t worry though, if your child doesn’t like naps, we provide a quiet area for him/her to listen to music and read books.
2:00pm – 3:00pm Child Care Playtime
When children are done resting, they will experience more indoor or outdoor games and activities.
3:00pm - Snack Time
As children transition from rest or play time to pick-up time, they can participate in music, dance, and story time, as well as snack time.
3:30pm - Pick Up Time
All children will be picked up inside the Child Care. Teachers and the Cubbies instructors will be available to share stories about their day. You are required to sign your child out for the day.
3:46pm – Considered late pick and late fee(s) will apply – See link to “ Important Child Care Policy Information ” for Fee amounts and details.
Parent Contact
In case we need to contact you, Child Care staff will use the contact numbers you provided during registration. Cell Phones have limited coverage at our resort; please check your messages throughout the day.
Parents are encouraged to check-in on their Child Care children throughout the day, especially if they are new to a Child Care setting. Parents should check-in with the Children’s Ski and Ride School sales staff at the front of the building before entering the Child Care.
Please also periodically check the message boards located at the base of the lifts and in the base area. If your child's name appears here, contact us as soon as possible .
Allergies or Medication
Please be sure to inform us if your child has any food allergies or dietary requirements.
Allergic children are welcome to bring their own lunch to be stored by the staff.
Our staff is not authorized to administer medication to children, (including sunscreen).
Children should arrive prepared with clothing for both indoor and outdoor activities, including: waterproof pants and jacket, waterproof boots, warm socks, mittens, a hat, goggles/sunglasses and sun block, (already applied).
We recommend that you pack a change of clothes for young children. For those who take naps, feel free to bring your child’s favorite blanket or snuggly to comfort them.
Potty Training
Children are not required to be potty trained to enroll in our Child Care program. Please bring diapers and wipes for young children, and extra underwear for those who are potty training.
We don't issue refunds due to weather, when children are unwilling to participate or if they become ill after being in our care.
Important Policies – Please click to review Important Child Care Policy Information regarding Late Pickup; Sick Child; Requirements for enrollment; and Child/ Staff Ratios .
Parents... Remember that a good night's sleep, a hearty breakfast and plenty of fluids will help keep your child energized, enthusiastic and active.
Reservations $230 per day ($240 Peak).
Reservations are required during the week and highly recommended on weekends and peak days. We are a California licensed Child Care and on many days we do sell out. For reservations or more information please call 530.543.3150. Reservations are held until 9:15 a.m. No Child Care provided on Tuesday or Wednesday except on Peak Dates.
SOLD OUTGood things for parents to know
- Children are not required to be potty-trained.
- Bring diapers and wipes for toddlers.
- Bring a change of clothes for young children.
- Bring outdoor snow boots, waterproof jacket and pants, gloves, a hat and goggles and/or sunglasses.
- Apply sunscreen to your child.
- Dress child appropriately for weather.
- Be sure your child eats a good breakfast.
- To help protect our children with severe nut allergies - We do not serve peanuts or nuts in this facility, and ask that our guests refrain from bringing any into the facility.
- Please label all personal belongings. Wild Mountain Child Care is not responsible for lost or stolen belongings.
- Reservations cannot be changed on the day of your arrival, please see our Cancellation Policy for more information.
- One adult must remain on the resort premises in case of emergencies.
Important Documents
Save time by printing out and completing the Child Care Registration Forms below. Then present completed forms upon arrival to expedite admission of your child into Child Care.
- Registration Form
- Liability Release Form
- Child Admission Form
- Notification of Parent's Rights
- Child Personal Rights
2024/25 Peak Dates
December 21, 2024 - January 5, 2025 / January 18-20, 2025 / February 15-23, 2025

Event season is here bringing the heat with a jam-packed lineup of events. Sunday Women’s Clinics, theme dress up Fridays +more. Whether you're rocking a costume on the slopes, chasing last chair turns, or sending it in the terrain parks, the fun is just getting started!

Your Season Pass comes loaded with perks like Unlimited BFF tickets, bring a Friend for Free on select Fridays + 20% off around the mountain on things like rentals, dining + lessons. PLUS, much much more!